Data Science and AI for Kids

Let your kids be prepared for the future

Audience : Middle School and High School Kids ( Ages 10 and above)

Course 1 - Data Visualization ( Telling a Story with your data)

WEEK 2 - Clarity, Capture their Attention

Lesson 6 - Reduce Noise in your Visuals (uses Google Sheet example)

Concept - What are the different Data types ?

Lesson 7 - Capture their attention

Exercise - Let's find out why these are BAD examples of Data Visualization

Lesson 8 - Highlighting a Bar or Column chart in Google Sheets to Capture Attention

WEEK 3 - Concoction

Lesson 9 - Storyboarding

Lesson 10 - Using Infographics, Comics and other tools

Data Visualization Project

Course 2 - Data Analysis Basics

WEEK 2 - Random, CSV File, Pandas DataFrame

Concept 3 - Let's be Random (simple game) (VIDEO) , Link to Jupyter Notebook

Concept 4 - What is a CSV File (How do you explain this to kids) (3 min VIDEO)?

Lesson 2 - How to create Data with Pandas DataFrame (9 min VIDEO) (DECK)

Lesson 3 - Creating Random Data in a DataFrame , Link to Jupyter Notebook

WEEK 4 - Analysis using DataFrame

Lesson 4a - Top 5 commands to explore a DataFrame (Link to Jupyter Notebook)

Lesson 5 - How to Analyze Data with a DataFrame - Part 1 (10 min Video) (Link to Jupyter Notebook)

Lesson 6 - How to Analyze Data with a DataFrame - Part 2

WEEK 5 - Let's draw some pretty Graphs

Concept 8 - 3 Basic Chart types for Kids to analyze Data

Lesson 7 - DataFrame , PieCharts and Bar graphs

Course 3 - Advanced


Concept 1 - Data Science and AI - How do they relate to each other ? (3 Min Video) (DECK)

Projects in AI - Top 10 Interesting AI Projects happening right now (DECK)

Projects using TensorFlow - Top 6 Project using TensorFlow (7 mins Video)

Machine Learning -

(Video) What is Supervised Learning? (3 Min Video)

Programming Fundamentals for Vision AI

Capturing Video stream from your camera

Code is available on Github here :

Course - Statistics Basics


Probability - What is probability?

Big Ideas which Kids should get out of any AI course

Idea #1 - Computers use Sensors (5 Min Video)

Idea #2 - Agents use Models (6 Min Video)

Idea #3 - Computers learn from Data (3 Mins Video)

Idea #4 - AI Agents are clumsy (5 Mins Video)

Idea #5 - Side effects of AI - The good and not so good (7 mins video)